Indians are more genius... You only know about ramanujan... But see 2 more genius
1. Srinivasa Ramanujan I guess everybody knows the famous rags-to-intellectual-riches story of this Indian genius, arguably the best Mathematician India has produced in the last century.His contributions in number theory, specially infinite series and continued fractions and tons of other fields in pure mathematics is extraordinary to say the least. But what makes this genius legendary and just purely awesome, is his lack of almost any formal education in Mathematics.Born in an obscure village in South India, his mathematical prowess turned him into a worldwide phenomenon.Helped by British mathematician G.H.Hardy, he went to Cambridge and did some groundbreaking work in pure mathematics, which is comparable to the works of Euler,Gauss or even Jacobi.His life has been beautifully captured in the book "The Man Who Knew Infinity"... a most inspirational story and I believe a must read for everyone.Â
2. Pranav Mistry- The inventor of SixthSense TechnologyÂ
Pranav Mistry is an Indian computer scientist and Inventor. At present, he is the head of Think Tank Team and Vice President of Research at Samsung. He is best known for his work onSixthSense and Samsung Galaxy Gear.Â
Some of his other work, Pranav has invented : Mouseless – an invisible computer mouse, SPARSH – a novel way to copy-paste data between digital devices, Quickies – intelligent sticky notes that can be searched, located and can send reminders and messages, Blinkbot - a gaze and blink controlled robot, A pen that can draw in 3D, A public map that can act as Googleof physical world.Â
2. Akrit Jaswal: the seven-year-oldÂ
Jaswal's appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show Born in 1993, he has an estimated IQ of 146. At a very young age, he began to illustrate his unusually high intelligence level. He could speak by the time he was ten months old, and he could alsoread and write at the age of two. When he was five years old, he used to read Shakespeare and medical booksÂ
He performed his first surgery at the age of seven. He never attended any medical school, but yet is known as a physician. When he met an 8-year-old girl whose fingers had been burnt as a baby and fused together, he performed an operation to separate her fingers. Jaswal was accepted into Chandigarh College when he was twelve years old, making him the youngest person to ever get into a university in India.Â